
Apollonian knowledge and innovation focused alternative investment funds are investing mainly in scale-up companies using equity or debt instruments with a 5 to 7-year investment horizon. Apollonian funds don't focus on any specific industry or type of company. Their funds will not, however, invest in companies that operate under industries at risk of being obsolete in the near future or engage in unethical practices. Apollonian is a Luxembourg based investment firm.
Type VC
Website apollonian.eu

Investment info

Invests in
Go to market
Growth and expansion
Investment range
€ < 25K
€ 25 - 50K
€ 50 - 100K
€ 100 - 500K
€ 0,5 - 1M
€ 1 - 5M
€ > 5M
Primary markets
Consumer, Companies, Marketplace
Investing in countries
Denmark, Finland, Norway

Focus areas

Consumer Goods
Consumer Goods
Energy & Greentech
Energy & Greentech
Media & Entertainment
Media & Entertainment
See all 9 focus areas




Key people

Chairman, Advisory and Investmen

Tuomas Saarinen

Advisory and Institutional Invest

Andreas Dahlen

Invests in SDGs


More about Apollonian


The Apollonian team combines more than 100 years of private and public sector knowledge and experience from the worlds of investments, banking, innovation, and commercialization. The team has extensive know-how in international fund and asset management as well as venture capital and private equity advisory across multiple EU jurisdictions. Their team has comprehensive knowledge in European long-term investment vehicles and cross-border pension funds.


How much do they invest?

Apollonian funds aim to acquire minority ownership in privately-owned companies. The amount invested varies in accordance with the valuation of each investment opportunity.


How do they work?

Apollonian has a wide network of investors and access to private and public investment platforms and partners looking for suitable investments. This can be active once Apollonian insight has been carried out for any given company planning a funding round. Insight is required to compile an investment grade report for potential investors detailing the risk and reward profile of the company in question.


This makes a difference to them

At Apollonian they value international innovation, creative collaboration, transparency, long-term sustainability, and ethical investments. Companies seeking funding from Apollonian Funds are required to fulfill Apollonian investment criteria, including participation and compliance with a 10-step intellectual capital development and management program.

How to contact

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