
Introduction For party-loving youngsters who are dissatisfied with the poor quality of available drinking game apps. Our concept is a drinking game platform that provides users with a network to create, share, and play drinking games at any party. And unlike the typical drinking game app with just a limited amount of content, our platform is continually updated with new drinking games, in new categories, made by new party enthusiasts. Setting the scene Digital drinking games have become more prevalent over the past several years, and the most well-liked ones currently have millions of downloads. Although having a sizable user base, drinking game apps have a major drawback that makes them less competitive than classic drinking games. The apps' limited content makes them entertaining the first few times, after which they lose novelty. Our product At Partybroz our solution to this is a platform that offers the infrastructure necessary for users to design their own original drinking games using a three-step creative process. Users can then select between their own drinking games and any games that have been published on the platform, providing an unlimited world of content for your upcoming party. Current milestone Version 1.0 of the platform was recently released in 2023, so we are still in the early stages of the process. Currently, we are testing the platform and gathering feedback from initial users to build the best user experience. Meanwhile, the search for a skilled web developer is at the top of the agenda which is the reason for Partybroz’s presence on The Hub. So far, the platform has been created in collaboration with a web development company. Please do not hesitate to contact us. Cheers!
Location Denmark
Founded 2022
Employees 1-10
Industries IT & Software
Business model B2B
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you.

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

Friday is something special, let's enjoy a beer together.

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Social gatherings and games; hang out with your colleagues.

Equity package
Equity package

Want to be a partner? Look no further.

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

You know how you perform best. Work from your couch, your favorite cafe or abroad when you feel like it.


Founder, and head of day-to-day operations

Christian Gregers Petersen