Computer Science Intern (Frontend) for ApS

Salary Unpaid

Are you ready to explore and learn new technologies while contributing to the development of legal research software tools Then we might have the perfect internship for you at!

NB: This is NOT a full remote position and there is a requirement to be at our offices physically two, three times a week i Borup, Denmark. You must have a Danish work permit.

About the Company ApS is a newly founded and progressive company specialised in the development of SaaS tools revolutionising legal research. We are a dynamic team working together to create groundbreaking solutions that assist lawyers and attorneys in streamlining their work. Our work culture is characterised by a high degree of autonomy, collaboration, innovation, and a flat hierarchy where everyone has a voice in the development process.

Your Tasks

As our computer science intern, you will work closely with our CPTO and participate in all stages of the development process. You will get hands-on experience with many new technologies, including React, Next.js, Docker, Python, FastAPI, TypeSense, ChatGPT, Gatsby.js, and CloudFlare.

Your tasks will include:

Development and maintenance of new software applications using the technologies above (primarily React / Next.js).

Contributing to constant improvements and innovation within our technological framework.

We Offer

A unique opportunity to dive into cutting-edge technologies.

A learning-intensive internship, where you will become an integral part of our team.

A culture where the path from idea to action is very short.

Your Profile

We expect that you are a smart student in a computer science program and have a strong interest in software development. You are eager to learn, curious, and have a hands-on approach to your work. Previous experience with the mentioned technologies is not required but will be an advantage.

Are you ready to take the next step in your career and learn from some of the industry's best?

Send your application including grades and CV to us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

We are looking for an intern asap - so if you are ready - so are we.

NB: This in an unpaid internship.

For more information or questions please contact us at

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Gamified office
Gamified office

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

See all 10 benefits

Working at

Vi vil hjælpe mennesker med forskellig baggrund og uddannelsesniveau med at forstå og bruge lovtekster. Vi mener, at alle skal have nem adgang til loven, fordi lovgivning spiller en central rolle i vores samfund. Vi udvikler værktøjer, som gør det lettere for dig at anvende lovgivning i praksis. Det skal være nemt og hurtigt at forstå og anvende loven, og vores ambition er at gøre lovgivning let tilgængelig for alle. Derfor er vores samlinger af love, forarbejder og domme brugervenlige og nemme at navigere i. Intentionen bag loven er vigtig for at forstå den, men det kan være svært og tidskrævende at finde forarbejderne til en specifik bestemmelse i loven. Vi giver dig nem adgang forarbejderne til loven, og gør det dermed lettere at forstå og fortolke den. Vidste du, at statens officielle regeldatabase ofte kun bliver konsolideret en gang om året? Du kan derfor ikke regne med, at det er den gældende lovgivning, du kigger på - selvom den er markeret som gældende. På finder du altid aktuelle og konsoliderede love. På finder du også relevante domstolsafgørelser, som giver dig et dybere indblik i, hvordan loven anvendes og fortolkes i praksis. Med sparer du tid, og du forbedrer kvaliteten af dit arbejde med loven. Vores samlinger er omfattende, og opdateres dagligt, så du altid har adgang til den nyeste lovgivning og retspraksis. Med vores intelligente søgefunktioner, finder du nemt og hurtigt de oplysninger, du har brug for. Vi gør juridisk research til en leg, og vi har flere værktøjer på vej. Med har du lovgivning og praksis lige ved hånden.

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